HandtextAI is an advanced text-to-handwriting converter that transforms digital text into authentic-looking handwritten documents. Key features include:
– Rich Text Support: Preserves HTML formatting including paragraphs, tables, headings, and inline styles
– 80+ Handwriting Styles: Choose from diverse handwriting fonts or upload custom fonts
– Paper Customization: Multiple paper backgrounds (lined, grid, blank) and table textures
– Realistic Effects: Adjustable ink flow, blur, shadows, and paper textures
– Multi-page Support: Generate documents up to 25 pages
– Format Flexibility: Export as individual JPEGs, ZIP archive, or PDF
– Visual Editor: Rich text editor with real-time preview
– Shape Tools: Add handwritten-style arrows, circles, and annotations
– Margin Control: Customizable margins with even/odd page support
– Advanced Features: Word rotation, line indentation, and hyphenation for natural look