Banuba AR Reviews 2025: Details, Pricing, & Features
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Banuba AR

Create personalized AR experiences with 3D object tracking and natural hand interaction.
 0.0/5
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What is Banuba AR?

Banuba AR is an augmented reality platform that brings powerful and innovative AR experiences to life. With its cutting-edge technology, Banuba AR offers unparalleled capabilities for creating engaging, interactive, and immersive experiences. This platform enables developers to create highly interactive and lifelike AR experiences for users to enjoy, providing an immersive and engaging way to learn, explore, and play.Banuba AR provides users with a wide range of features, including 3D object tracking, face tracking, facial recognition, hand tracking, and more. With its advanced tracking and recognition capabilities, users can interact with their environment in a more natural and intuitive way. Additionally, the platform’s intuitive user interface makes it easy for developers to bring their creations to life.Banuba AR is designed for developers, businesses, and creators who want to create engaging and interactive experiences for their users. With its powerful and innovative technology, developers can create stunning and immersive experiences for users to enjoy.

Use Cases And Features

1. Create 3D object tracking experiences for users to explore.
2. Facial recognition to personalize AR experiences.
3. Hand tracking to interact with environment naturally.

Tool Website Engagement

Last Update: 9 months ago

- Disclaimer: Statistics sourced from third-party providers. Accuracy may fluctuate.

Total Monthly Visits: 120K
Bounce Rate: 67%
Visit Duration(avg): 75.42 seconds
Pages Per Visit: 1.95
Country Rank: 356
Global Rank: 437,668

Monthly Traffic

Traffic Sources

Traffic Share By Country

  • India: 12.28%
  • Indonesia: 9.06%
  • United States: 7.75%
  • Brazil: 7.10%
  • Vietnam: 6.24%

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Amazing, Thats all!

 0.0/5
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